
Fadenlifting Vorher Nachher Kinn

Fadenlifting Vorher Nachher Kinn

Neck Thread Lifting, Non-Surgical Lifting

Our senior aesthetic doctors, Dr. Gavin Scriven (aka "Dr. Gav") and Dr. Tauseef Zia (aka "Dr. Toshi"), are highly experienced in face, neck and body lifts. Dr. Gav and Dr. Toshi also specialize in a variety of different types of threads to suit our clients' individual concerns and based on face, neck or body area; including APTOS, Silhouette Soft, MINT and TGA Approved Korean PDO Long and Mono Threads. The procedure involves the use of several biocompatible threads inserted under the skin to lift and support the underlying skin tissues, pulling the skin on specific vectors to achieve a contoured, natural-looking result. Acting as a kind of scaffolding, the threads usually have unique teeth or barbs that attach to the tissue as they lift the skin, complementing the natural line of the face or neck, or other body parts such as knees, arms, thighs and abdomen. Secondary lifting involves the production of new collagen - as your body dissolves the threads, it generates new collagen in their place, helping to maintain the lifting effect for years to come while improving the quality and the appearance of the skin. Types of wires and lift wires

We use a variety of best-in-class TGA-approved threads at Pavilion Cosmetic Medicine, and will advise you on the most appropriate option for you based on your treatment needs, the area of ​​the body being treated, as well as your individual needs. and preferences. These include Silhouette Soft PLA (polylactic acid) yarns, MINT PDO (polydioxanone), APTOS (polylactic acid and polycaprolactone) yarns and Korean long and mono PDO yarns.

I Had A Thread Lift – This Is What Happened

When I was asked to experience the procedure to lift and tighten the loose skin under my chin using polylactic acid (PLA) absorbable sutures with L-acid suspension cones lactic acid, administered by Dr. Gerhard van Niekerk, it didn't take long to convince me that it was worth a try. Ideal for:

drooping cheeks

Loss of volume in the middle of the face

Sagging jaw and jowls

Sagging neck

Drooping eyebrows

My experience

Dr. Van Niekerk carefully examined my face before choosing three threads: one just above the jawline and two more like a hammock under my chin, anchored behind my ears. Followed

Apply antibiotic cream to entry and exit points for 5 days

Apply ice to the treated areas immediately afterwards for 5-10 minutes and regularly for the next 2-3 days

Sleep on your back and elevate your head the first three nights

Cleanse your face gently and do not rub or massage your skin (5 days)

Make up very gently (5 days)

No sun exposure or tanning beds (2 weeks)

No facials or massages (3 weeks)

Avoid strenuous exercise and contact sports (3 weeks)

Avoid saunas and heat treatments (3 weeks)

No dental surgery (3 weeks)

Avoid exaggerated facial movements like chewing, talking, yawning (3 weeks)

The Silhouette Soft treatment can be successfully combined with other aesthetic procedures, but it should be checked with the doctor exactly how long before or after the procedure, various treatments (such as botox, fillers, laser, etc.) can be done.

Thread Lifts

Thread lifts are performed using a medical grade blunt cannula mounted with absorbable sutures or "threads". Thread Lifts has the impressive ability to correct jowls, wrinkles, sagging eyebrows and loose skin on the neck. In order to perform a thread lift, Dr. Dalia Tobbia inserts “threads” the sutures into targeted areas of the face. Some doctors even call them "collagen threads". If you want maximum results with minimal scarring or downtime, facelifts are an ideal option! Thread Lift is a popular anti-aging solution because it:

Delivers the results of a facelift, without surgery or extended downtime

A more natural facelift compared to surgery

Eliminates jowls

Tightens loose neck skin

Corrects loose or droopy skin on the middle of the face

Lifts and tightens eyebrows

Adds youthful volume

Reduces wrinkles

Slows future aging

Is a quick and comfortable procedure

The treatment is FDA approved and completely safe

Can be customized to your unique face and goals

Leaves no scar

Results last for years

You are a good candidate for a wired lift if you have jowls, sagging skin, a hanging neck, a "double" chin, a drooping forehead. If you are interested in a thread lift, brow lift, or neck lift, we invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Dalia Tobbia today. It will lift your skin with threads of a custom size and shape to achieve the desired effect, and help restore smooth contours and a more natural youthful appearance. Thread lifting can be performed to improve the appearance of:




Nasolabial folds






If your skin looks puffy, loose or aged, revive it with a personalized, minimally invasive lifting thread. Once the skin is numb, Dr. Dalia Tobbia will begin injecting the necessary threads to lift and fix your skin into the desired tight contour.

# Video | Fadenlifting Vorher Nachher Kinn

  • Thread Lifting Before And After
  • Thread Lift Gone Wrong
  • Thread Lift Kosten
  • Thread Lift Deutsch
  • Thread Lift Eyes

# Images | Fadenlifting Vorher Nachher Kinn - Thread Lift Gone Wrong

Swelling After Thread Lift - Thread Lifting Before And After

Fadenlifting Vorher Nachher Kinn - Thread Lift Eyes 1 Save

Thread Lift Kosten - Swelling After Thread Lift

Fadenlifting Vorher Nachher Kinn - I HAD A THREAD LIFT – THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED 2 Save


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