
Fadenkäfer Minna Anleitung

Fadenkäfer Minna Anleitung

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The Beetle Bag

Ok, now that we have reinforced the shape of our shells we will align the inside edge of our liner with the edges of the shells. Remember that our liner is elastic so it doesn't matter if it hangs a bit inside the shell; we're just going to push that down as we sew. I recommend you start by sewing the bottom shell as it should be a bit more stable and it's a good way to start before moving on to the trickier top shell. Since we are not sewing the strips directly to each other, we won't have the same gaps in the liner as with the bottom shell.

# Video | Fadenkäfer Minna Anleitung

  • Vw New Beetle
  • The Beetle Bag
  • Minna Cardigan Kids – Paper Pattern of Thread Beetles

# Images | Fadenkäfer Minna Anleitung - Vw New Beetle

Vw New Beetle - Minna Cardigan Kids – Paper Pattern of Thread Beetles

Fadenkäfer Minna Anleitung - Vw New Beetle 1 Save

Minna Cardigan Kids – Paper Pattern of Thread Beetles - Minna Cardigan Kids – Paper Pattern of Thread Beetles

Fadenkäfer Minna Anleitung - Vw New Beetle 2 Save


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